Missions focus on under-served populations in Peru, and provide a full host of medical, surgical, dental, mental health, and educational services.

Mission 1 — Selva in Action

The Peruvian Amazon Jungle

It is the area of the Amazon rainforest included within the country of Peru, from east of the Andes to the borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia. This region comprises 60% of the country. We have teamed with the SIA in the villages of Centro Fuente, Sargento Lores and Punto Alegre, where we have consistently served over 600 villagers yearly.

Medical Mission 101

Improve access to health care, promote wellness and education, and provide economic development linkages for the people living along the Rio Momón, a few hours away from Iquitos, Perú.

It’s Importance

Underfunded and underequipped, Peruvian health workers make do with what they have to deliver services to indigenous communities deep in the Amazonian jungle. But with some villages several days away from health services, reaching them is no easy task.

Mission 2 — Chincha Polyclinic

PAMS Polyclinic

PAMS built the Polyclinic with charitable donations from members and friends in the US and Perú.

Quick Response

It was a response to the catastrophic earthquake that destroyed many lives and the cities of Chincha and Pisco in 2007.

What’s Next?

Since then, the Polyclinic welcomes four to five multi-specialty medical missions a year.

Supporting Others

Mission support services included laboratory, EKG, cardiac mapping, echocardiography and cardiac stress test, as well as ophthalmologic evaluation, upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, mammograms, ultrasounds and dental care.

Mission 3 — Causa-Corazón

What is it?

Causa-Corazón provides free interventional cardiology services to adult cardiac patients of underserved regional hospitals in Peru.

What we do?

We assemble teams of experienced cardiovascular specialists to work hand in hand with our Peruvian peers.

What’s Next?

We have the pleasure in annoucing the third Causa-Corazon mission to Peru in August or September of 2023. Volunteers will be enlisted from our pre-COVID waiting list.


Nevertheless, you are encouraged to submit a message expressing your interest to cesar.mendoza2@jhsmiami.org, and if there is enough room, we will accommodate you as part of our upcoming mission team.

Become a lifesaver.

Volunteer with PAMS South Florida Chapter now.